
Minggu, 13 Maret 2011


This post to My all loving brothers in one faith. We have been being already that Islam is Allah’s religion. Islam is Allah's religion. It contains the code of life that Allah is the Lord of Universe, its contains code of life that Allah is the creator, so is the main purpose of his revelation is as a guidance for entire man kind. For proper reconstruction of life a man needs two kinds of things of namely the following :
  • Ø  Innumerable substances and resources to maintain life and fulfil the material need either of the individual or the society.
  • Ø  Knowledge as the principle of individual and social behaviour to maintain justice and tranguility in society and culture.

Allah to act as Lord all creations has both of these needs in full measure, and to cater the man’s material needs he has provided nature with all kinds of resources lie at the disposal of who can make use of them as he likes. To provide for his spiritual social and culture needs, He rised his prophet from human kind and revealed into him. The moral code of whic can guide man steps on the right path. Al-Qur’an is the final book of divine guidance revealed by Allah to the last prophet Muhammad SAW within the fasting month of ( Ramadhan )
Each and every word of him is from Allah the king, of kings, the king of all creations.
Dear reader my blog
love islam like you love your self. Do not ask what a given of islam for you but ask what you give to Islam. Do not just say that you love Islam prove your self that you Islam. Do not just Islam in your identification card card, prove that you're Islamic. way
  1. Believed in the liver
  2. In resume practicing
  3. Pronounced (creed)

                Al-Qur’an contains widest code of life which covers ( each and ) any aspect and phase of human life, this book of God lays down the best rules, relating to social life, commerce and economic. Penal laws and human conduct, the diction and style of the Qur’an are magnificent. and many more that I have not mentioned here
It is recitation strive the spirit and soars the imagination of even those who are not so well feeling the niceties of the arabic languange.
I do suppose, those all what can I convey on this post. Finally may Allah always grant us together his gift and reward.

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